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Cloncurry is currently a 5-star Queensland Tidy Town.

Cloncurry was awarded Queensland’s Friendliest Town in 2018 & 2013 by Keep Queensland Beautiful. The first ever town to win the award twice.

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History and Geography Facts

Cloncurry sits on the junction of the Matilda Highway and Flinders Highway (Overlanders Way), nestled on the banks of the Cloncurry River. The ‘Curry’ as it is affectionately known by locals, is 120km east of Mount Isa and 400km south of the Gulf of Carpentaria.

Few places can claim to be as influential in shaping Australia, as Cloncurry. Birthplace of the Royal Flying Doctor Service, and destination of the first Qantas flight, it is a community that celebrates outback life, the true Australian way.

Founded by Ernest Henry in 1867, with the discovery of copper, Cloncurry’s core industries include agriculture, transport services, copper and gold mining.


Local Government Information

Cloncurry Shire Council is a future focused, community responsive organisation with a charter to enhance all facets of life in the Shire. Cloncurry Shire Council is focused on creating an improved future while remaining responsive to the current needs of the community as broadly defined. This identity shifts our focus from that of a provider or supplier of infrastructure including roads, water, sewerage, waste management and rates to one of articulating that Council has an increased focus on planning for the long-term needs of the community and coordinating the delivery and ongoing management of services, infrastructure and facilities. The Council is further committed to enhancing the liveability of the greater Cloncurry Shire community through coordinating the provision of social facilities to make the Shire a more liveable community.


Things To Do or See

  1. Enjoy the thrills and spills of the Cloncurry Stockman’s Challenge and Campdraft, Quamby Rodeo and the Curry Merry Muster Festival.

  2. Visit John Flynn Place Museum and Art Gallery – explore the beginnings of the Royal Flying Doctor Service.

  3. Explore one of Australia’s biggest gem and mineral collections at Cloncurry Unearthed Visitor Information Centre and Museum.

  4. Visit the airport and see the original Qantas hangar used in the first flight from Longreach to Cloncurry in 1922.

  5. Relax at Chinaman Creek Dam – perfect for water-skiing and fishing.

  6. Explore the shaded parklands and outdoor machinery display at Mary Kathleen Park on the Flinders Highway.

  7. Satisfy your tastebuds with a famous Cloncurry pie from the Cloncurry Bakery.

  8. Explore the mining history of the district at the Mary Kathleen Mine and the old mining town of Ballara.

  9. Uncover the beauty of Fountain Springs – a permanent waterhole in the split of the Fountain Range.

  10. Rest and enjoy the Friendly Town spirit of Cloncurry.

Cloncurry offers a wide range of accommodation options from motels, hotels, caravan parks and free camping.

You can enjoy a variety of dining experiences in our range of restaurants, hotels, service stations and coffee shops, or alfresco dining in the shade of the Mary Kathleen Parklands or BBQ in the recreational area at Chinaman Creek Dam.




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